Predictive Prioritization
Focus On What Matters First

Reduce the number of vulnerabilities requiring immediate remediation by 97%.
The number of vulnerabilities has nearly doubled in the past two years. But the number of vulnerabilities being exploited is only a small fraction of the total. Predictive Prioritization enables you to zero in on remediating the vulnerabilities that matter most.
Predictive Prioritization combines Tenable-collected vulnerability data with third-party vulnerability and threat data and analyzes them together with the advanced data science algorithm developed by Tenable Research. Each vulnerability now receives a Vulnerability Priority Rating (VPR) that incorporates the result of this analysis, updated on a daily basis including vulnerabilities that have yet to be published in the National Vulnerability Database (NVD).

How It Works
3 Things You Need to Know About Prioritizing Vulnerabilities.
Learn next steps you can take today to dramatically reduce the list of vulnerabilities you need to remediate.
Download the FAQ
Built-in to and
No need to use an add-on vulnerability prioritization product.
97% reduction in vulnerabilities that need to be fixed first
No more wasted time and effort patching vulnerabilities that currently only pose a theoretical risk.
Forecast the Future
Combines threat intelligence and machine learning algorithms to identify vulnerabilities likely to be exploited in the near future.
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