Diving Deeply into IAM Policy Evaluation: Highlights from AWS re:Inforce IAM433
September 29, 2022One of the most talked-about sessions at AWS re:Inforce was IAM433, which discussed AWS IAM’s internal evaluation mechanisms.
Five Lessons Every Cybersecurity Team Can Learn from the Uber Incident
September 22, 2022Upon hearing of a cybersecurity incident, alleged or factual, the most productive thing to do is learn what you can from its main lessons.
IDSA Introduces CIEM Best Practices
September 14, 2022The Identity Defined Security Alliance recently announced their list of best practices for cloud infrastructure entitlement management.
96% Could Have Prevented Their Identity Breach – IDSA
September 7, 2022Identity-related breaches are on the rise but security and IAM pros are not idle. Learn from this survey how they are staving off the next attack.
Taking Notice of AWS IAM Roles Anywhere
August 30, 2022IAM Roles Anywhere may be a pivotal moment for security — the new service lets you enrich the arsenal of tools at your disposal to improve your AWS security posture.
DevSecOps: An Organizational Fix for Improving Cloud Security – Friction-free
August 24, 2022By implementing the DevSecOps culture, tools and training, you’ll be on your way to more shift-left security and less organizational friction. Here’s how.
Facing the Shift-Left Security Conundrum. A True Story
August 17, 2022Shift left security is hot — until it's not. Dynamic business requirements and cloud complexity pose major least privilege challenges.
3 Ways to Reduce the Risk from Misused AWS IAM User Access Keys
August 10, 2022Used incorrectly, AWS IAM user access keys can pose high risk; the good news is that great alternatives, explored here, exist.
3 Types of Cyber Attackers: Which Organizations Do They Target?
July 28, 2022Is an attacker interested in your organization? Probably. Deconstructing the PoV of cyberattackers is key to defending your turf.
Cloud and Data Security for Financial Services
July 5, 2022Financial service organizations are adopting the cloud at a rapid pace. A robust solution for compliance and cloud security will ensure they enjoy all the benefits.
AWS, Azure and GCP: The Ultimate IAM Comparison
June 8, 2022AWS vs. Azure vs. GCP — how do these cloud providers compare when it comes to IAM? Read on to find out.
6 Tips for Successfully Securing Your AWS Environment
May 25, 2022Top six actions and practices you can take to protect your AWS environment today.